Contests and Other Fun Stuff

Hey guys, welcome to our website and take a look around. This will be our first post, hopefully I can keep them going or maybe even venture into vlogs down the road.

Summer is in full swing on Long Island. We have been busy with family visits, vacation and getting our business going. So far we have been focusing primarily on our social media presence with Mary handling our Facebook page and Travis handling the Instagram account. It’s a lot of fun and so far pretty successful. We are trying to keep the instagram more informal and give you guys project progress photos and such. Facebook has a better setup for marketing and sales, so there and our website is where you can find our products for sale.

We recently won a contest on instagram over on the Made By Long Island page!! Thank you for all your support in getting us the win on there! They will be featuring a video about our business on their Instagram so keep an eye on their feed to check that out when it comes out.

That wraps up this post, stay tuned for other fun content in the future!